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EASI is named "Ambassador of Trends Gazelles Brabant Wallon 2020"

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Mégane Fastrez
PR and Communication, EASI

This Wednesday 12 February in Nivelles, EASI received the title of ambassador of the Trends Gazelles in the category of large companies in Walloon Brabant, among more than 200 nominated companies.

This prize, organised by the editorial staff of Trends and Trends, rewards companies that are growing rapidly. The growth criterias are : turnover, personnel and cash flow.

As of today, a new wave of internal and external growth is on its way, looking ahead to 2025. What is the challenge of this growth? Developing without losing the strong corporate culture that characterises EASI, the new Trends Gazelles 2020 ambassador.

More information

See our full press release about this achievement on our press page.

FR: https://easi.net/fr/press/easi-est-nommee-ambassadrice-des-trends-gazelles-brabant-wallon-2020

NL: https://easi.net/nl/press/easi-benoemd-tot-trends-gazellen-ambassadeur-van-waals-brabant-2020

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