Easi Blog

« Happy at work »: really?!

Written by Florence Cooreman | Jul 28, 2016 12:42:14 PM

A 'Feel Good Room', flextime and ideal working conditions: great! But is it enough to really feel happy at work? What does that even mean? How can you reach it? At EASI, we’re concerned by this issue since a long time! We can honestly say it: we’re “Happiness” experts. Yup.

And as we are very generous, here are some of our secret tips (maybe not so secret anymore) to live each day of work as a new adventure.

1) Are you happy? Just say it!

In the latest Viadeo survey (“Wellbeing at work: myth or reality?”), it appeared that the majority of employees thinks their company is not concerned about their well-being. However, a few small daily attentions may change the game. 'Thank you', 'good job', 'well done!': these small simple words have an unexpected impact.

The work recognition is the first well-being criteria according to the survey respondents. "After more than ten years in the company, I still regularly receive congratulations for my work. That motivates me, but it also taught me to do so with my team. I never forget a thank you! "Herman, our Marketing Supervisor.

2) What’s next ?

Respondents gave an average of 5.8/10 to their confidence in their professional future. Not very pretty... At EASI, no such thing. By the time we’ve signed our contract, we know where we can be in 2, 5, 15 years… With hard work and motivation!

3) Goaaaaaaaaaaaal

The third essential element to feel happy at work concerns working conditions. A gigantic parking, lots of fun after-work activities, modern equipment and furniture, two terraces, a 'Feel Good Room' with a massage chair, a PlayStation (with the already legendary FIFA-tournament at every lunch break) and a kicker for the old classic ones. I mean… What more do you want?

4) Stop wishing. Start doing

More 50% of employees are not motivated by their work. No more challenge, no recognition... No surprise people can’t find their goal. EASI’s CEO, Salvatore Curaba, doesn’t give any objectives to his teammates. Each director establishes them for his own team. If you follow your own goals, you’re facing your greatest challenge: yourself!

Also, each employee, depending on its experience and values, can become an EASI partner. 100% of the shareholders are EASIers. Allowing employees to become shareholders, isn’t it the right model to be a successful and healthy business?

Here you are. I’ve told you (some of) our secrets to be happy at work. If you don’t believe me, just come for an interview and let us show you what’s like to work for the Best Workplace in Belgium (2015 & 2016) and the 8th Best Workplace in Europe!