Easi Blog

SmartSales V4.3: What's new?

Written by David Fortpied | Jul 12, 2024 8:41:10 AM

Before packing their bags and enjoying the summer months, our team has worked hard to bring you a new update of SmartSales. In this article, we unveil the new features of the upcoming v4.3. This update will be available from July 18th, 2024. In order to carry out this update, please note that the application will be unavailable on 17/07 from 6pm to 0am

Enhancement of catalog screen and ordering process

A revamped product sheet with a multiple-pictures carousel viewer, a more powerful catalog and a bunch of new miscellaneous features make catalog and ordering more ergonomic and attractive than ever, to the delight of SmartSales and SmartHub users.

Newsletter is coming

Need to summarize the orders of the day in an e-mail? Would you like to automatically send to your team a list of customers who have not been visited for a long time? We've got the solution: our new Newsletter module!

A new feature to manage Newsletter mails triggered automatically, providing direct info and links to any SmartSales entities. Data no longer needs to be exported as an attachment but can be seen directly in the body of an e-mail.

My team: always more, always better!

A particular focus was placed by our developper team on the MyTeam module, but also on Performance, Analytics and Dashboard modules to improve their usability and add many new improvements.

Among the major new features are the multi-dashboarding extended on mobile devices, an UI enhancement on the Analytics tables, the visibility as 'admin' user to get a consolidated view of performance data from all users... 

These new features allow managers to keep better track of their teams, and for employees to follow their own performance.

And much, much more!

  • Use Outlook mails as attachments in Forms and Infobox, via drag and drop.
  • Extension of supported external web services to bring them on a wider scale
  • New lists on mobile devices to provide access to visit timers, to orders/offers across all of your customers, to forms across all the app...
  • ...and a whole lot more!

We hope you will enjoy all these new features. 
Do not hesitate to contact our consultants if you have any questions.