Easi Blog

Our tips for your blank accounting calendar

Written by Dieter Offermans | Jan 21, 2019 6:39:00 AM

If you could do something every month that would make your accounting life easier, why wouldn’t you do it? Here are our tips for a fresh start!

JANUARY – Reconnect

Pick a moment to meet your clients, suppliers, internal & external stakeholders ... face to face. Be pro-active, it is the perfect follow-up to look back to last year or the ideal moment to discuss your future plans and their overall satisfaction. I will guarantee that you’ll learn something new.

FEBRUARY – Automate your monthly VAT declaration 

Automate your administrative tasks. Did you know that the VAT declaration can be prepared on a monthly basis? That reminders can be sent out automatically? That the CODA files can be automatically linked to the correct bank account number and read in? You are at the steering wheel and direct where to automate and where to manually check. 

MARCH – Zoom in on payroll

Revise your current collaboration partner for payroll. Keep in mind that you can import the processing of the wages in Adfinity after your social secretariat is done processing them. Practical right?

APRIL – Newsletter time

Maybe you want to know every week which orders have been sent, but not yet delivered or invoiced – or maybe you would like a monthly view of all customers with an outstanding debt over 1.000 euro? The answer is simple – set up newsletters, receive them straight in your inbox and simplify your periodic tasks!

MAY – Keep an eye on the depreciation

Keep an overview of your fixed assets and their depreciation. Never lose sight, automate your monthly processing run and focus on control.

JUNE – Check your reporting 

You’re almost halfway through the year. Time for a check-up. How much revenue came in, how much did your project bring in? Are your costs in balance? Check your big figures and control your reportings, this way nothing is overlooked. Make sure the numbers are correct and up-to-date at all time via a direct link to the accounting data. 

JULY – Take a break

You checked and double checked last month, it’s ok to leave for your dream vacation and best of all… You’ll have peace of mind and time to recharge your batteries. Afterwards you will have plenty of energy to face the second half of the year.

AUGUST – Time for your forecast

Let Adfinity give you an insight on the forecast for the rest of the year based on your current figures, the amounts receivable and due, the foreseen salaries, loans... This way you’ll have a clear perspective on what is still to come. You still have time for remediation when objectives seem hard to reach at this point.

SEPTEMBER – Update your workflows

Consider which workflows are followed in your financial management and whether these are still up to date. Don’t forget to talk about document management, approvals, purchase workflows... And adjust if necessary.

OCTOBER – Dig into technologies

Artificial intelligence is no longer exclusively for Hollywood movies. Our daily lives are increasingly affected by AI systems and robotisation. Read about how these new technologies can be implemented and how they can/will affect your business. Nobody is ever too old to learn right?

NOVEMBER – Budget rounds

Yes, it’s that time of the year again. Try to take future projects into account and budget your way through the plans for the next year.

DECEMBER – Closing time 

Brace yourself… Clearing up issues, accruals, conducting reconciliations and correcting errors, yes closing time is here. But so are the holidays, do enjoy them and let them lift up your spirit. You’ll be ready to celebrate another year with an empty calendar to fill in no time.