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7 reasons to urgently prepare for NIS2

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Boyan Demortier

We provide seven critical reasons why preparing for NIS2 is a must instead of a nice-to-have.For most organizations, the adaptation to the GDPR guidelines of 2018 is still fresh in their minds. Those who weren’t prepared in time had to scramble to avoid hefty fines. This was no different in 2019 when the NIS directive came into law. 

These cases serve as a reminder that the NIS2 directive will follow that same pattern. Therefore, it is wise to already take action and prepare your company, as the deadline of 18 October is just around the corner. We present seven important reasons why on-time preparation for NIS2 is advised.

1. Save Costs

Early preparation allows you to spread out the costs associated with NIS2 compliance. Instead of facing sudden, large expenditures due to last-minute implementation, you can allocate resources gradually, optimizing your budget.

Moreover, by planning ahead, you have time to explore cost-effective solutions, negotiate better deals with vendors, and avoid costly mistakes that typically arise when projects are rushed. Proactive budgeting also helps you prioritize essential areas, ensuring that investments are made where they will have the most impact on compliance and security.

2. Save Time

Compliance with NIS2 is not just a quick fix; it requires a thorough review and adjustment of your organization's processes, technologies, and training programs. Starting early allows you to break down these tasks into manageable phases, reducing the burden on your team. It also gives you the flexibility to test and refine your approach, ensuring that all compliance measures are properly integrated into your daily operations.

Additionally, having more time allows you to involve various departments in the process, ensuring everyone is adequately trained and prepared, minimizing disruptions and last-minute scrambling.

3. Involve Many People

NIS2 compliance isn’t just an IT issue; it requires collaboration across your entire organization. Every department— from IT and legal to HR and administration—plays a role in ensuring compliance. For example, legal teams need to understand the new obligations and potential liabilities, while HR must train employees on security protocols. By involving all stakeholders early, you can ensure that everyone understands their role and responsibilities. This collaboration fosters a unified approach to compliance, reducing the risk of gaps or overlaps in your strategy.

Moreover, getting everyone on board early helps build a culture of security and compliance throughout the organization.

4. Avoid Fines

The penalties for non-compliance with NIS2 can be severe, with fines reaching up to 2 million euros or 1% of total revenue, depending on the severity of the breach and the discretion of national regulators. However, the financial impact extends beyond just fines. Non-compliance can lead to legal costs, increased insurance premiums, and potential lawsuits from affected parties. Moreover, a company’s reputation could suffer significantly, resulting in loss of business and trust.

By preparing early, you minimize the risk of non-compliance and the associated financial and reputational damage. Additionally, a proactive approach shows regulators that your company takes compliance seriously, which could be beneficial in case of any audits or inspections.

5. Gain Peace of Mind

The intangible benefits of being well-prepared for NIS2 cannot be overstated. When your organization is confident in its compliance efforts, it reduces stress at all levels, from the boardroom to the frontline employees. This peace of mind allows your management team to focus on strategic decisions rather than constantly worrying about potential vulnerabilities or compliance gaps.

Additionally, employees who know that their organization is on top of compliance are more likely to feel secure and supported in their roles, leading to higher morale and productivity. Peace of mind also enhances your company's reputation, making it a more attractive partner to clients and investors who value stability and security.

6. Contribute to National Security

By aligning your company with the NIS2 guidelines, you’re not just protecting your own assets—you’re contributing to the broader security of national and EU infrastructure. Many sectors covered by NIS2, such as energy, transportation, and finance, are critical to societal functioning. Ensuring your organization’s security means you're helping to safeguard the services that millions of people rely on. This commitment to national security reflects positively on your company’s brand and can be leveraged in your marketing and communication efforts.

Showing that you prioritize security can deepen trust with clients, partners, and stakeholders who see you as a responsible and forward-thinking organization.

7. Prevent Operational Disruptions

Operational continuity is crucial for maintaining your competitive advantage. Implementing NIS2 compliance measures gradually ensures that your daily business operations remain smooth and uninterrupted. If you wait until the last minute, you might be forced to make hasty changes that could disrupt your workflow, leading to delays, mistakes, or even downtime. Early preparation allows you to seamlessly integrate new processes and technologies without negatively impacting your service delivery or customer experience.

It also gives you the opportunity to address any unforeseen issues that may arise during the implementation process, ensuring that your business remains resilient and responsive.


Preparing in advance for the NIS2 directive is more than just a compliance requirement; it’s a strategic move that can enhance your company’s efficiency, security, and reputation. By addressing the seven critical areas — costs, time, collaboration, fines, peace of mind, national security, and operational continuity — you position your organization not only to meet legal obligations but also to thrive in an increasingly complex and interconnected world.

When the NIS2 regulations come into effect by October 17, 2024, your management team will be grateful for the foresight and preparation, knowing that they have mitigated risks and secured the company’s future.

NIS2 whitepaper

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