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What is a SOC (Security Operations Center) and why does my company need one?

A SOC, not to be confused with the socks on your feet, is a real security solution that can save companies a lot of money and headaches. We spoke with Robin Bruynseels (Cybersecurity and SOC engineer...

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Disaster Recovery Plan: a must-have for every company

It is undeniable, available applications at all times are crucial to guarantee the health of any organization. When the internet is down for an hour, people start to scramble, and we start to see...

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Is SD-WAN really the next big thing?

Can SD-WAN really take you to the promised land, and what do you have to bear in mind? I will be happy to explain it to you below!

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To SD-WAN or not?

SD-WAN is not just another buzzword. It is also a big opportunity, whose evolution/transition is in full swing/has been put in motion. I will explain it all here.

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The 3 most common mistakes made on IBM i

These are 3 lifesavers when you are talking about keeping your IBM i infrastructure up to date.

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IBM i journaling

Much has already been written about IBM i journaling, Database journaling is as old as IBM i. In the SQL world, the setup of journaling is a no-brainer. In the world of Data Description...

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Microsoft : Azure AD Connect & Legacy authentication depreciation

Recently, Microsoft announced the end of support for Legacy Authentication and Azure AD Connect depreciation. In this article, you can find more information about the deadlines and how to deal with...

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The New Navigator For i

The log4j issue was all over the news back in December 2021, one of its victims is the now called Heritage Navigator for i. IBM did publish a document titled: Security Bulletin: IBM i components are...

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IBM i web services

Nowadays, web services have become an integral part of the IT world. They are used everywhere - even where you least expect it - and they make life a lot easier.

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Cloud2be status page

When you entrust us with your servers by placing them in Cloud2be it is important for us to be as transparent as possible. Even if we do our best to guarantee the best availability of our cloud...

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