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Adfinity 5.9

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Simon Bertrand
Sales Engineer, EASI

When I got it in my head to write an article in order to inform our clients about the new features in version 5.9, I told myself that this wouldn't take much time… After all it's only a minor version… How surprised was I to realise that more than 50 points (51 to be precise) have been improved and developed in this version of Adfinity! How could I choose from this list of software improvements?

The main theme of my selection has therefore been as follows: Five ways to make your day-to-day life easier

1. OCR usage indication cartridge

For clients who use our OCR system, we have developed a tool which allows the total units remaining in your cartridge to be monitored. This way, you get a quick graphical overview of the consumption of your cartridge!

adfinity 5.9 new features

2. PSM Reconciliation & Accounting

Who has never been confronted with reconciling an invoice with the purchase order which, because of a tiny difference (€0.01 for example) has not been able to be processed automatically?

adfinity 5.9 new features

EASI has just created a tool for you which will save time thanks to the creation by the system – subject to an amount range being applied within which it is authorised to do so – of an “automatic balance” line. This will enable you to save time when performing your reconciliation!

adfinity 5.9 new features

3. Generating a BIC based on the IBAN

The BIC, which stands for Bank Identifier Code, is an international code which banks use for financial transactions. Each bank has its own BIC. Only it is not always easy when entering information to know the BIC for each bank. This is why EASI now provides automatic entry of the BIC field when entering a new bank account.

4. Access to the budget during approval via the INTERNET

Our users know that when budgets are entered into EASI, it is possible to do a budget check from invoice approval. Informative or suspensive effect.
It is now possible to have direct access to account consultation via the INTERNET (if the module is enabled) depending on the charges on the invoice. The system will then make the selection based on the analytical criteria on the invoice.

adfinity 5.9 new features

5. Substitution in purchase requests

EASI has decided to extend the principle of substitution which exists today when approving invoices to the various purchase requests that can be made in EASI. So, if a purchase has to be approved when a person is absent, it is possible to manage this absence thanks to the substitution principle. This offers a lot of flexibility in the day-to-day management of your company!

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