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Entering cheques and bills

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Thomas Cornet
Senior Business Consultant, EASI

As explained in one of my previous posts on bank reconciliation, Adfinity offers a cheques and bills management module which facilitates their entering and accounting.

What should be done, however, when a payment centre is responsible for paying the invoices of several of your clients?

It turns out that, in effect, our French clients often encounter this situation. They issue invoices for different clients but it is a payment centre that carries out the payment of invoices from these various clients.

E.g. The company sells to Carrefour Maubeuge, Carrefour at a payment centre. In the end, it is Carrefour Finance in Paris who pays the invoice.

Nothing could be simpler with Adfinity.

All you have to do is simply link your clients to a payment centre through the company consolidation zone and that's all there is to it.

cheques and bills accounting adfinity

You can therefore enter cheques or bills received in payment for several invoices issued for different clients.

cheques and bills accounting adfinity

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