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New features in Adfinity 5.12

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Damien Goossens
Sales Manager, Easi

75, that is the number of new features and improvements that are included in our latest version of Adfinity. Let me pick out 3 of them, to take a look in further detail. 

Fixed and conditional rebates

A rebate is a financial reduction of the price, agreed on by the supplier towards a buyer.

There exist two types of rebates: fixed and conditional ones. Up till now, only fixed rebates were available in our accounting software. From now on, also conditional ones are available.

A conditional rebate is a rebate that is only allowed when a certain condition is met, for example, the customer needs to pay before a certain deadline. To do so, a new zone is available in the screen where the accounting document is completed into Adfinity. The paying term is managed directly in the company file.

adfinity 5.12 upgrade accounting

New web interface for approvals of documents and consultations of accounts

The world of web applications is moving so rapidely, that EASI developed a completely new version of the web access to Adfinity. This version is running at some customers for the moment. Later, all customers will be able to enjoy this new version.  

If you want to know more about this, I invite you to read this article about our new web access.

adfinity 5.12 upgrade accounting

Login to the web access with your Windows credentials

The new version allows to login with your Windows password! Quite handy, you don't need to remember all those different passwords anymore!

adfinity 5.12 upgrade accounting

If you want to know everything, you can consult the full detailled list of improvements on our extranet. By the beginning of august, another new version will be available. That will be version 5.13.

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