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Easi at Common Europe Congress 2022

On the 13th of June, IBM i users from all over Europe will meet for the Common Europe Congress, which this year will take place in sunny Alicante. Easi will also be present with a number of workshops...

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Easi turbocharges Microsoft 365 growth with acquisition of Netlease

Netlease, the Microsoft solutions specialist, strengthens the Microsoft 365 department at Easi. 

With more than 10 years in Microsoft expertise, Flemish company Netlease is at the forefront of...

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Easi renews its Gold label as Best Managed Company

Easi re-obtained the Gold label in recognition of retaining the Best Managed Companies label for the fifth consecutive year. Each year, the Best Managed Companies program rigorously evaluates...

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Easi Celebrates Down Syndrome Day

Inclusion is a very important concept to Easi. Today we celebrate with socks for our employees and with donations to several organizations: Trefpunt Stan, Inclusion ASBL, and The World Of Ayden.

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Job focus: Antoine Rucquoy, Software Engineer

What are the two essential assets of a developer at Easi? "The desire to learn and the concern of quality." But what does "develop" means? See what Antoine told us.

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The New Navigator For i

The log4j issue was all over the news back in December 2021, one of its victims is the now called Heritage Navigator for i. IBM did publish a document titled: Security Bulletin: IBM i components are...

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Evilginx: bringing phishing to a whole new level

Phishing attacks remain very popular with cybercriminals, especially since the beginning of the pandemic. Since then, the number of attacks targeting companies has strongly risen.

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7 Essential Tips to Successfully Implement a Company Intranet

Everyone understands that intranets have become a necessity for modern companies. They offer efficiency and competitive advantage, but it's also a lot of work.

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MEDSOC & Easi, a stronger partnership

MEDSOC and Easi strengthen their partnership. Indeed, MEDSOC has turned to Adfinity as its accounting and purchasing management software.

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SmartSales v3.11 : what's new?

I unveil in this article the main new features of the v3.11 of SmartSales: in the Web Manager or on mobile. This new version of SmartSales will be available on 24/02. We hope that this first update...

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